Friday, April 21

things have been happening!

here is the evidence:

We have nutted out some of the practicalities, and there is a plan emerging as to how to proceed.
After playing with the projector for a while, the conclusion was reached that simple geometric forms do indeed have the most impact.
Stay tuned for further details :)


Blogger ben said...

sounds great - i'll pencil in same time for next week?
carl whats with teh moustache?

21/4/06 5:29 PM  
Blogger guy b said...

carl has no mo...
it is our clever projection techniques!

21/4/06 9:55 PM  
Blogger Haley said...

If you have it the same time for the next week I can come. I had a bit of a SolidWorks CAD nightmare last Thursday. It sounds as though things are happening, and I like the idea of simple geometric shapes.

22/4/06 8:50 PM  

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