Wednesday, April 26


5pm Thursday, let's get it on.

Last week, we practised with the projector:

what you see here (above) is a view as you walk from the right hand lift, looking left - then back again. The image is only a circle when you stand in front of the lift. One of the tests we made. It gives you some idea of what needs to be done...

Friday, April 21

things have been happening!

here is the evidence:

We have nutted out some of the practicalities, and there is a plan emerging as to how to proceed.
After playing with the projector for a while, the conclusion was reached that simple geometric forms do indeed have the most impact.
Stay tuned for further details :)

Wednesday, April 19


how does that sound?
Please bring along images and ideas - but I would strongly suggest people have another look at Varini's work, to get an idea of possibilities. I think that there may be more than just stylistic whimsy as to why he chooses very geometric forms for his 3d painting.
Try to keep it bold and simple :)
see you Thursday... - Guy B.

Friday, April 7

So - when is a good time to meet?

My preference is Tuesday afternoon, but I thought maybe Thursday could be an option as well.
Post comments here, with your own suggestions and image ideas!
You can also email me images to put up if there are issues posting :)